an archive . a mixtape . an audio (visual) exploration of our gendered soundscapes

with the help of dear friends and distant strangers, we explore gendered soundscapes, sound practices, and sound studies of the world — forging threads of connection between (gendered) existences and resistances ︎︎︎

aims of self-archival practice:

︎︎︎ to collect (incomplete) documents of our realities.
︎︎︎ to caretake and make accessible material that too often disappears as soon as its sounded.
︎︎︎ to subvert the patriarchal dynamics that govern contemporary storytelling or meaning-making.

tools required:

︎︎︎ you.
︎︎︎ a digital recording device (the below unofficially sponsored by an iPhone 6 and 11).
︎︎︎ the world that envelopes u.

step 1

︎︎︎greet yourself. ask yourself how you are.
︎︎︎actively listen to your response. example of active listening:

step 2

︎︎︎ document the alchemic transformation of observation into thought.
︎︎︎ take/make record of your thoughts as u think them.

“reflecting on my experiences and how these experiences can be preserved for my own sake and as response to historical erasure. speaking these words out loud is a way of embedding myself in oral history” - aa noun

step 3

︎︎︎ bear intentional witness to the singular performance of sound taking place around you in this precise ‘moment’ (remind yourself it will never happen again.

step 4

︎︎︎ make a collection of your references, your influences, recorded contents that have been carried to u through time and space and now carry u through time and space. ex:

      produced with support from